Channel: All This Wandering Has Led Me to this Place
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Torn and Frayed - A Graphic Response

There's a few spoilery words below but mostly just pictures and gifs as I feel words are not going to be enough for me right now...

When we see Dean walk out the motel room Sam is staying in, with the words "Glad I made the drive" or to that effect I was very much:

And then we see Samandriel being all horribly tortured and I thought that was a bit mean but par for the course for the show...but then SAM SLEEPS WITH AMELIA and I was....

I need a drink...

Then Benny calls Dean, clearly with a cry for help and Dean is all very non-perceptive and says he'll get there when he can...

Next thing you know Cas has told them to stow their crap and sort their shit out to get this done...
and I was very much in favour...

So there the boys go - working beautifully as a team, bringing on nostalgic warm fuzzy feelings from me...
But then Cas ends up being the poor manipulated woobie who all distraught kills Samandriel!
And I figure at this point things suck pretty much all round but I'm still wondering about the whole WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN IN TWO DAYS AT 7.30PM AT THAT MOTEL ROOM? and taking a very cautious joy in the feel of teamwork the boys had just then...
SO after that trauma we are treated to a very rare and virtually never seen event, Sam and Dean actually have a conversation WITHOUT drama! Well it had drama but it wasn't DRAMATIC! They weren't angry at each other and they weren't blaming each other and it was all incredibly civil with Dean finally empathising with Sam's POV and Sam thinking about things from Dean's POV. AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL!!

Of course after that is the "final" phone call to Benny. GREAT just GREAT show...and now there's tears.

Right about now I'm cursing Kripke again for even conceiving of this show that manipulates ALL my feelings...four seasons in one day? try forty emotional highs and lows in one 42 minutes episode.

But then there's this...


And that's all it takes....yes Cas is going through a total crisis, Benny is no doubt on the path to some doomed falling off the wagon which will inevitably lead to some highly distressing encounter with Dean...but the fact that Sam and Dean, with cool heads, calm hearts and clear minds made this choice was enough to leave this fan feeling pretty damn satisfied and happy.


And that's about all I have to say on it.

Oh and I lolled and lolled and lolled at this....

WHAT WAS THIS?? THIS WAS HILARIOUSLY FUNNY! But I do not think it was meant to be. Seriously it just threw me right out with the instantaneous stabbing thought - WAIT WHO GAVE TARANTINO THE CAMERA???? Honestly I thought we were about to launch into some Kill Bill/Dusk till Dawn montage.

I'm glad I found it funny cos the laughter totally overwhelmed any WTF-splutterings I may have had going on ;)

This post is called GOING BACK TO WORK CRAMPS MY ONLINE STYLE or I love Dei's vids so effing much...

I'd like to point out this is my 3rd attempt to post to my journal - LJ you are NOT endearing yourself to me lately...

Cliff Notes:
  • Went back to work
  • Watched Supernatural 8.12 As Time Goes By (which by the way Harry Nilsson does the best version and I remember my Dad whistling this tune often as I grew up. I need to ask what he knows about the Men of Letters...;) )
  • I squeed ALL OVER THE PLACE. And then started wishing and hoping that perhaps a Men Of Letters series would be a fantastic off shoot series that may go a little way to fill the gaping chasm that will be the hole left in my viewing career once SPN finishes.
  • Then got my online sharing of the squee with everyone else curtailed severely by the fact that I have started back at work. *this made me grumpy*
  • Trying to catch up on weekend.
  • Immediately (well attempted immediately thwarted by LJ shenanigans) post to LJ

Seriously go watch this: THRIFTSHOP BY DEIRDRE-C. Umm. Perhaps just copy paste her user name and go to her journal LJ keeps giving me this message:

Error Client error: Sorry, there was a problem with content of the entry

So I'm removing links to see if that helps

Leave her some love there for her wickedly entertaining sense of humour and mad vidding skills.

ALSO! Highlight of the week:TOM WELLING HAS A JOB!!! (Check my Tweets out if you want the link - due to LJ asshattery right now) There is hope for a gorgeous 30 something guy with good looks and talent who has finished a successful TV series in the sci fi genre that went for ten years!!

I leave you with....

Oh and...

And maybe just this one as well...

I have to say Dean is rivalling his brother's plaid wearing style these days...

Because this face is irresistible...


This is my boy Cypher. Lying on the tiles at home waiting for me to get home from work. This photo was texted to me by my sister.
I think I was out the classroom and on the way home within 15 mins of getting this text. I think I'm gonna convince the Principal he'd be excellent at behaviour management if only I could bring him to work each day.

In one image show me who Sam and Dean Winchester are...



DOES THIS NOT SAY IT ALL?? Dean in the comfy slippers, the soft and yet very stylishly chic Men Of Letters bath robe  brandishing the scimitar like he's some Eastern mystic swordsman and Sam getting his complete geeky love on?

So here I am THREE EPISODES in a row saying "Well...my favourite part WAS EVERYTHING!"
8x13 'Everybody Hates Hitler' JUST BRILLIANT!

There was not a single second or moment where I caught myself going "Whaaaaaaa?!?!?!?!" I am so in love with the idea of Sammy being a Men Of Letters guy, with Dean contentedly soaking up all the happy feelings he gets with the idea that the MOLBC (Men of Letters Bat Cave) could actually be a safe and comfortable home base for them that the Nazi Necromancers aka the Thul and the very awesome Golem probably took second place in my fascination stakes this episode. But not by far. ash48 has articulated beautifully everything I loved about this episode so go read her review. I'm about to go rewatch for the 4th time ;)

When I should probably know better...


There I was trundling along .... possibly mildly grumpy that the actual full time teaching thing is cramping my online style somewhat but mostly just still keeping up with the watching and the reading if not the posting of tweets, FB status updates, Tumblr posts and LJ entries.

Up pops this week's episode - 8x15 "Man's Best Friend With Benefits" - great title, seen some tidbits on twitter about the subject/story line and I looked forward to it. I'm also aware that fandom has, pretty much as a general consensus, been rolling around with glee in the plethora of great writing in the last three episodes and I'm thinking that this will possibly be the week that all changes again. But I went into it with very little spoilage and a whole lot of Thank FUCK it's Thursday and I can watch my show tonight.


I gotta say I loved it. Even possibly a little more than last weeks. GASP. SHOCK. HORROR. Don't get me wrong I did really enjoy last week's but I felt that whole picturesque farm in Idaho thing was a bit of a stretch along with the Stepford family and the always striking me as suspicious, hot farm hand chick, definitely preferred this week's guest star character to last weeks. I loved the Sam and Dean interactions for the most part but certainly felt the creeping of the soap coming back, however that speech about Sam wanting to take Dean to that light at the end of the tunnel? TOP CLASS SHOW TOP CLASS! But I digress. My subject line says I probably should have left well enough alone but I just can't help myself.

Show is allowed to have clunky/lazy writing y'all. It doesn't do it all the time and it does it a darn sight less than any other show but so what if show TOLD us (instead of showing us) about familiars at the expense of Dean's intelligence? Seriously the Boat Of Consistent Depiction of Dean's Genius set sail for me at Swap Meat WHY are you all still so suprised/disappointed? The same applies with his Wha? face at the word "intimate" - except this was purely a comedy driving device which I thought worked beautifully well. Dean's entire demeanour of adorably fascinated mild scandalisation yet insatiable curiosity about how it all worked in that kind of world was very humourous.

Also I'm not sure what has got fandom's knickers in a knot over the whole familiar/bdsm/bestiality/master/slave thing?
Oh wait - show is sexist, racist, misogynistic and perpetuating the endless cycle of minority repression. Here we go with another example of show's epic race fail. I know we all take things differently but my first thoughts were if this fandom's kink memes, Big Bangs, fan generated works on all levels is any indication I would have thought the topics in this episode would have been eaten up. Where would all those University courses on gender, repression, racial identity and representation disappear to were it not for the ENTERTAINMENT world that gives us so much material to discuss, dissect and wax vitriolic about? The way I see it - you can watch in two ways - purely for the entertainment factor (both surface and in depth readings) and then purely for the social/political commentary. I admit I do both, but I do the first one so much more. Once I start pulling apart the interpretations of gender and the representations of sexuality and the portrayal of race I am no longer in 'I watch this for entertainment mode' but in the Reading for Contextuality and Critical Analysis mode. Which I do when I decide to choose an episode to show to my tenth graders - we watch it purely for entertainment first and then on second watching we start looking for the intertextual meanings, the comments on race, gender, stereotypes - who is not there, who does not have a voice etc etc. The show is as easily criticised in this respect as much as it is lauded for it's entertainment value. It generates such intense and passionate discussions, debates, arguments and discourse on so many levels that no matter how harsh the criticism it cannot be denied that it is a success purely in this aspect alone.

Sam's whole speech to Dean re the fact that Dean only trusts himself felt like little brother just having mildly verbal tantrum over Dean's pretty obvious desire to ensure that Sam survives no matter what. He told Dean last week - he can do it, and he's going to do it and come hell or high water he wants to get to the end of it, come out the other side hopefully in one piece more or less with his brother besides him. Sam KNOWS how Dean felt last week but Dean, being usual stubborn ass Dean, is still pushing the let me do it line and as a result Sam decided to go all petulant little brother and just throw some pretty reaching accusations at him (I felt this at the time Sam was saying the lines re Dean being the only one Dean trusts - since he did say "It's not that you don't trust me...") like he was pressing for a blow up or something but not hearting his words at all. That's why when at the end of that speech I didn't feel anything like the usual turmoil when the brother's fight - this wasn't a fight, this was just venting and I'm half surprised Sam didn't poke his tongue out at the end of "Are you done?" "I'm done if you are" :PPPP. I knew that car speech was on the cards at the end of this as this was just a little brotherly spat only semi more serious than the very earnest Stooge bickering at the start!

So whilst there was a line or two or clunkiness I felt this episode overall had a good story - they needed motivation for the witch to hate James just that much and they certainly found it - good acting and was beautifully shot. I certainly loved it more than a few others from this season that's for sure. But I sure do hope we get to see them in the MOLBC again soon.

Oh and by the way - The Dobermanns used were indeed GORGEOUS! But don't you think they look cuter like this?

I think if the Dobies could choose they would say yes please to this look, I'd rather you didn't slice off my ears and tails thanks :)

Come to Rome! It's where we have all the fun!

Apologies for my absenteeism - I am aiming to fix that this weekend coming up but in the meantime my dear little siter has asked me to post this:

My sister has just under a week to pass on her Angel Pass to this year's 2013 Jus In Bello Con in Rome.
If anyone is interested please email her asap on nicnacrobat@gmail.com

Please crosspost anywhere else you think someone might be interested.

TA muchly flist! Love to you all....I'll be back soon! Once I get over my vicarious thrills of the Vegas tweets/pics/vids/blog posts. WAHHHHHH!!! I need a waaaambulance to take me to VEGAS CON!!!

Elsie's Photos are up!

I just have to post a select few here...of course ;)
But go check her journal out for the download link to them all:

There are too many great Jensen ones to choose from...go check them all out!

Life is a funny thing...


Some days I feel like I am never going to get to where I am going to because I have too many things to check off my to do list you know?

But then shit happens and I become all very contemplative, zen, introspective 38 year old and I am totally okay with it all because you know what? You can only do what you can do at that moment, in that place, right then. All the other stuff? It will all still be there when you're done or it won't. And I like it when I get to that moment where nothing phases me any longer.

It's all very interesting to no one else but me I'm sure.

Here's an update of me in backwards chronologicalism:

I watched this:

dean & sammy • crystallize

And loved it...such a GREAT Sam and Dean vid.

Then was twitter linked to this page:

The Evolution Of Jared Padalecki's Hair

The intense evolution of Jared Padalecki's hair from 2002-2013.

1. The Disney-Channel-Heartthrob.

The Disney-Channel-Heartthrob.
Source: Tumblr.com

2. The Straight-Down-The-Middle.

The Straight-Down-The-Middle.
Source: fanpop.com

3. The I'm-Adorable.

The I'm-Adorable.
Source: theberry.com

4. The Curl-Behind-The-Ears.

The Curl-Behind-The-Ears.

5. The Farrah-Fawcett.

The Farrah-Fawcett.

6. The Can-I-Borrow-A-Brush.

The Can-I-Borrow-A-Brush.

7. The How-About-Some-Pointed-Sideburns.

The How-About-Some-Pointed-Sideburns.

8. The It-Keeps-My-Neck-Warm.

The It-Keeps-My-Neck-Warm.

9. The...Wait, what hair?

The...Wait, what hair?

10. The Oh-Hey-There-Mutton-Chops.

The Oh-Hey-There-Mutton-Chops.

11. The I-Don't-Own-Scissors.

The I-Don't-Own-Scissors.

12. The...I just give up.

The Evolution Of Jared Padalecki's Hair

Which is definitely what I needed after this...

This was all before I took the dogs for a run at one of the nearby parks this morning and came back to this:

Undriveable of course. So very nervously limped home and am now in the middle of insurance claims, police reports and window repairers coming out. Nothing of huge value stolen. But have now had to take a day from work to sort it out. Little bastards. Literally happened within the 45 minutes or so I was there. And so now I keep going back to the Evolution of Padalecki hair because it soothes me so.

This morning my sister took off for Europe and I meet her in 30 days for JIB4. Where I will indeed ask questions of all the cast as we have Prophet Passes and so you get M&G with them all. So far I have:
Misha - can you please explain the inordinate levels of obsession surrounding you and your character since joining this show and subsequently this fandom?
Jensen - When exactly was the Men of Letters BatCave conceived? ie BEFORE or AFTER they destroyed the Bobby set?
Jared - Clif once described a bad day on set as Jared not getting to work out and not getting enough food...what would Jensen's bad day on set look like?
And to all of them - this fandom is more than likely very capable of a Kickstarter project to get a Supernatural movie happening - would you all be in that?

There has been much eventing with the dogs as of late and this little girl named Spryte:

Who is now 6 and looks like this:

Is finally an AGILITY CHAMPION! HOORAY!!! Gaining her last pass needed (you need at least 100 in the top level of competition and because of her number of first places she did it in 40). There are probably a grand total of about 13 dogs in the state that have this title. So that was delightful and also at one of our bigger events of the year the Western Classic.

This little man here who is her grandson:

Is now 7 months old and had his first dog show where he did very well! Colt aka Winpara Weapon Ov Choice (yes like THE gun) is now looking like this:

His mother Savvy has also done well of late in the show ring and in the agility :) Winning Best of Breed at one show and winning in Excellent Jumping the week before.
She is looking like this recently :)

Amazing to see when you know they were just like this not so long ago:

So some exciting times with the puppies coming up - our State Championships are in two weeks and then two weeks after that I am off to Rome and then SPAIN, after picking my dog up from the UK named Stig - you can see her here: Darleyfalls I'm The Stig

We are competing at the World Agility Open Championships in a whirlwind tour that sees me driving from Heathrow to Derby to Folkestone (Eurotunnel crossing) then from Calais through France and into Spain!

This is all in between working full time as an English teacher and getting the kids ready for our National Testing week.

Loved the last episode of Supernatural 8x19 Taxi Driver which helped with the meh feeling from 8x18 and Freaks and Geeks (I didn't dislike it but I was definitely lukewarm on it). Although having a fangirl day with the show definitely helped thanks heaps to ash48 and zebra363 for a FANTASTIC day. I love being able to just engage in such meta discussions and enjoying a laugh and a cry over our show. I cherish them I really do :) These really are the good old days for me. We have decided to dub Season 8 version 1 and Season 8 version 2 for it seems to us there is a definite difference between Version 1 (8x01 to 8.10) and Version 2 (8x11 onwards) :)

Also watched this in the last week - secretlytodream aka loki does it again.

Four Letter Words - A Sam and Dean vid.
Just GAH!!

My god I love this show and it's fandom so hard :)

And this post is now getting too long so I shall end it here. It may look like I haven't been around much but I do check in to my flist regularly and read up about you all even if I don't comment always.

Feel free to comment away with any questions you may like to put to the guys and especially to Ty even as it will be my first time meeting him :)

Posting just cos...

Weekend before last we had our State Championship titles here for Agility...two days of three qualifying heats and then the finals if you're good enough :)

Pleased to say my lil Agility Champ did me proud and is the State Champion in her division for both Masters Agility and Jumping - plus defeating all 170 (all heights) dogs to win the Open Jumping Class. She was a little star and gave me all. She's on a well earned break now for the next month or so whilst I head off to Rome and JIB4 and then the World Champs in Spain - so wish I could tuck her little furry butt under the seat on the plane and be running her over in Europe but Australia is just too damn far away from everywhere else for now.

GO MISS SPRYTE! 2013 Western Australian State Champ - Masters Agility, Masters Jumping and Open Jumping

8 more sleeps till I'm in Rome! Can't believe it's been a year since netlynn and I were there! Check out this schedule! INSANE! And this doesn't show all the Prophet Pass Meet and Greets!


"this" being a prolonged absence...(see icon)

good grief I cannot even recall how long it's been since my last post on here...*goes and checks* wow nearly a month.

It's Friday afternoon and I've been in six different countries in the last ten days and I am in all probability slightly scrambled in all things circadian, rhythmically speaking. So apologies if this post feels a little stream of consciousness.

The order of events went - PERTH TO DOHA TO LONDON TO ROME TO LONDON TO FRANCE TO SPAIN TO FRANCE TO LONDON TO DOHA TO PERTH. In exactly 14 days. That sounds and looks quite definitively nuts written out like that.

And I am all over the place with my feelings on this trip. Landing in Rome seeing my sister WOOHOOO!!! Friday WOOHOO! Great start to the JIB Con in Rome - M&G with Speight first up then onto the Main Stage area - beautiful front row seats. SWEEET! Practiced taking my photos getting ready for the Js. Saturday morning early M&G with Misha which went really well (even if some NJ fallout was raised) and then I virtually skipped into the Main Stage area looking forward to seeing Jared very soon. I've got to say I was gutted to the point of tears when I found out he'd flown out early that morning with Gen and Thomas. I know it's always a possibility with any of these things and it goes without saying family comes first but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jared is the main reason I attend these things. I would never attend an SPN con with only Jensen in attendance. It's different if neither of the Js are there (like AHBL cons) and yes I would attend a Con if it was only Jared (but would still feel like a limb was missing) but to go all that way and spend all that money and not have my number one main reason for attending be able to show? I forgave myself some tears over that one whilst at the same time hoping like hell that all would work out okay for Jared and Gen and their family. I'm good at resilience though and so despite the constant background ache missing his presence my sis and I still managed to have a FANTASTIC time and to be honest I was surprised by the end of the weekend at exactly how much I had enjoyed myself. Jensen continues to impress me in all manner of ways and he certainly managed to distract me most of the time with his humour and easy manner. The man is the consummate professional who is articulate, witty and an all round nice guy. Oh and incredibly unaffectedly good looking too of course in case you hadn't noticed. He was also suprisingly open (for Jensen) at his Meet and Greets as well. I took an enormous number of photos - a lot have been uploaded to my twitter and tumblr account. I'll stick a few here of my favourite Jensen ones.







I need to mention the JIB Staff and organisation at this con. It was beyond a doubt one of the most smoothly organised and best managed Cons I have ever been to. To have to deal with a 3am phone call that Saturday morning stating that one of your two main talent/guest stars would not be in attendance and the ripple effect that caused was a mammoth task and it was handled with aplomb and efficiency. Refunds and transfers were put in motion straight away. I honestly don't know how they did it and it was all done with smiles and calmness and total composure. For such a tight ship they are still extremely flexible and open to suggestions. I managed to swap out my Jared M&G (extra) for a Jensen one and ended up attending all three of Jensen's nearly 30 minute M&Gs. I worked out I spent an hour with the guy over the course of the weekend and that hour turned out to be one of the best hours spent the whole weekend :)

Managed to watch Clip Show that Sunday night and thoroughly enjoyed whilst still feeling incredible heart ache for Sam's plight. Damn I wish we could have asked Jared about that whole process of portraying a man going through the wringer there. I need to watch it again I've decided. The cocktail party was great (our tables engaging in a full game of Cards Against Humanity) thanks to my friend Krista. My sister was somewhat embarrassed and then kind of flattered when Richard Speight Jr confessed to my sister that she was in a sex dream he had. There's only about 15 years difference there...all is good! LOL! And then Brock and Matt and Steve all had to chime in on their theories. Brock attempted to get details but Richard was was being chivalrous on that point. Apparently my sister looks a little like Richard's wife so who knows? I told Richard I'd get my Dad on the phone when I saw him next in Australia - Richard quickly said that he'd rather not ;)

clearly I am booking the WRONG photo ops...

For big_heart_june

Here's a couple a screencaps you were after....



I'm just gonna put this here...





It's been so long....let's ease back in


I haven't been on here as much as I would have liked so I'm gonna try this to get the LJ juices flowing again...

Day 1: Sam or Dean?

I gotta qualify this one first - I never choose. I love them both just as equally as much. I love Dean because of Sam and I love Sam because of Dean. BUT...I'm picturing the proverbial gun to my head. And it's gotta be Sam of course.

Season 1

or Season 8


He's never not gonna be my most favourite character on television. <3 <3 <3

Day 2: Favourite Episode?

HA!!! How does anyone choose out so many good episodes?? I'm going to go with 1 Favourite Episode for EACH SEASON - it's the only way I can address this without my brain imploding from the decision-making overload.

Working Backwards:
Season 8: SACRIFICE - didn't even hesitate, without a doubt one of my all time favourite Sam and Dean scenes EVER.

Season 7: Slash Fiction

Season 6: I CANNOT DECIDE!! The Man Who Knew Too Much and The French Mistake

Season 5: The End and Swan Song

Season 4: When The Levee Breaks and The Monster At The End Of This Book

Season 3: A Very Supernatural Christmas

Season 2:  All Hell Breaks Loose 1&2

Season 1: Pilot

Day 2 - What's Your Favourite Episode?


HA!!! How does anyone choose out so many good episodes?? I'm going to go with 1 Favourite Episode for EACH SEASON - it's the only way I can address this without my brain imploding from the decision-making overload.

Working Backwards:
Season 8: SACRIFICE - didn't even hesitate, without a doubt one of my all time favourite Sam and Dean scenes EVER.

Season 7: Slash Fiction

Season 6: I CANNOT DECIDE!! The Man Who Knew Too Much and The French Mistake

Season 5: The End and Swan Song

Season 4: When The Levee Breaks and The Monster At The End Of This Book

Season 3: A Very Supernatural Christmas

Season 2:  All Hell Breaks Loose 1&2

Season 1: Pilot

Day 3 and Day 4 - Favourite Season and Favourite Male Character (besides Sam & Dean)


Catching up here...

Day Three: Favourite Season - This would have to be Season 2

Day Four: Favourite Male (besides Sam and Dean) it's got to be......hmmmm......I think I'm going with GABRIEL. Cos he redeemed himself there in the end and I love his mischief.


Hmmmm...so I'm gonna PICK TWO! Because really I need one for Seasons 1 through 5 and then I need one for Seasons 6 - 8.

Right then.

Seasons 1 through 5 - I pick Missouri Mosely. That woman is most excellent.

Seasons 5 through 8 - I pick Charlie Bradbury. (for the Good side) ......and Abbaddon (for the Bad Side) ;)

And Genevieve for the best line ever: SEE ICON.

WHY?? Because that's just how I roll. Also there's only like 22 SLEEPS TILL SEASON 9 BABY!! Booooo yeah!!!

Fine because zebra363 is gonna say you can only pick one I'll go with Charlie as my one and only

Day 6 and Day 7 in one post!!


Day 6: Favourite SPN Actor? Jared Padalecki. And ACTRESS? Nicki Aycox.

Day 7: Favourite Angel (besides Castiel)? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. I really liked Samandriel. Zach and Uriel are total dicks. Balti? Pretty self serving.

It's gotta be GABRIEL. Love that guy. He's got style. A certain Je ne se quois. Plus a candy weakness. I love characters that go through world view changing epiphanies too.

Supernatural 30 Day Challenge - Day 8

Day 8 - Least Favourite Character

Okay there's 3 all equally disliked:

Season 5 Meg

Anna Milton

Samuel Campbell.

And at some point I realise I am supposed to dislike these characters. BUT...The only time I liked Rachel Miner's Meg was in her very last episode...and Anna? Quite frankly she never grabbed me. I can be a little more meta about all my issues with that character but it's the weekend. And Sam Campbell? I never trusted that rat bastard. But then I gotta say Mitch Pileggi plays a lot of characters I revel in disliking!
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